Best Tips to Avoid Miscarriage
Miscarriage is a fairly frequent consequence that is not usually discussed more openly. There are many cases when a miscarriage occurs in the initial few days or weeks of pregnancy, sometimes, a woman does not even realize that she is pregnant. The most common cases are chromosome abnormalities or other identified factors that prevent the pregnancy from continuing. Moreover, the chances of miscarriage are increased by advancing age, obesity, being underweight, chronic medical conditions, substance abuse, etc. Maternity Centre in Agra provides top-class medical facilities to patients who are pregnant.
Below are a few tips for the ones who are expecting a child should know to prevent unwanted miscarriages -
1. Follow proper hygiene to avoid unnecessary infections -
Some illnesses result in miscarriage stillbirth or newborn death. It's advisable to practice proper hand hygiene and keep social distance from ill persons and crowded areas to prevent contact with viral or bacterial diseases.
2. Stop smoking to lower the chances of miscarriage -
Smoking is injurious to health, it's a major threat that raises the chances of developing several types of cancer, such as lung, heart, high blood pressure, and stroke diseases. However, smokers are more likely to encounter infertility and miscarriages.
3. Maintain a healthy weight -
Diabetes and obesity might raise your chance of miscarriage as well as other pregnancy issues. Doctors advise decreasing weight before getting pregnant or managing diabetes.
4. Keep your stress at Bay -
According to the studies, women who are pregnant felt content and at ease throughout their pregnancies and are less likely to face stillbirth. This is a fact, as stress is particularly damaging during pregnancy. Take care of your general attitude and keep yourself calm.
5. Intake of a proper and balanced diet -
Nutritional foods prove to be very beneficial for everyone. A properly balanced diet is not for reducing weight, but also for achieving ideal blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. It is also a proven method to reduce pregnancy problems.
6. Timely vaccination to avoid harmfully disease -
In research, no evidence of getting vaccinated against the flu could raise the chances of miscarriage, however, regardless of the pregnancy stage, an inactivated influenza vaccination is advised.
7. Frequent check-ups with the doctor -
Without wasting more time, one should begin prenatal care where a physical examination by a doctor may reveal health issues or pregnancy complications, that you might not know. If the problem is not in a timely treated, it could result in the loss of the pregnancy, such as high blood pressure, gestational or type 2 diabetes, abnormalities of the cervical or uterine living, or STDs. A maternity hospital in Agra helps provide the finest consultation and medical services to pregnant women.
8. Take your prenatal vitamins -
Calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamin D will keep you and the unborn child healthy. The better you are during pregnancy the healthier and better natural you'll be.
9. Minimize the intake of caffeine before getting pregnant -
According to the reports, the risk of miscarriage was greater if one or both spouses had two or more caffeinated drinks in the weeks preceding conception.
10. Try to avoid the consumption of Alcohol -
Women are encouraged to stop drinking during pregnancy to reduce the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome. Frequent usage of heavy alcohol also increases the chances of miscarriage or stillbirth. Visit the best maternity hospital in Agra for your prenatal care and get proper advice and treatment from the top doctors in the town.