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When is the Right Time to Consult a Fertility Specialist

People who want to start a family will ask themselves when they should consult a fertility specialist due to conception difficulties. Medical help becomes necessary for some couples when they fail to achieve pregnancy even after initial attempts have been successful. There are many Best Gynecologist Doctors in Agra.

Understanding Fertility and When to Seek Help

People who want to start a family will ask themselves when they should consult a fertility specialist due to conception difficulties. Medical help becomes necessary for some couples when they fail to achieve pregnancy even after initial attempts have been successful. You can easily find the Best Gynecologist Hospital in Agra.

1. You’ve Been Trying for a Year (or Six Months if You’re Over 35)

Doctors advise couples under 35 years old to attempt conception for one year before consulting medical help. Someone older than 35 should schedule a specialist consultation after waiting for six months when attempting to get pregnant since age-related fertility decrease occurs.

2. Irregular or Absent Menstrual Cycles

Undue irregularity in your menstrual cycle timing combined with either heavy or light flow periods can possibly point to PCOS or thyroid conditions. The difficulty of getting pregnant increases when ovulation fails to occur regularly so consulting with a specialist becomes necessary.

3. History of Recurrent Miscarriages

A couple who suffers more than two pregnancy losses should seek medical attention because it indicates potential fertility problems. The specialist can conduct tests to identify potential reasons behind the pregnancy failure while providing proper treatments for healthier future outcomes.


Seeking help becomes essential in the process of managing fertility since both physical and emotional aspects require effective management. Seek help from a fertility specialist without delay when one of the described situations affects you. The earlier you identify potential problems the higher your chances become to achieve a successful pregnancy. Dr. Anushree Rawat is a qualified Gynecologist in Agra.